Feedback forms

Feedback forms are available in key places at all College campuses, e.g. Reception.

Once you have completed a form, you should hand it in at Reception or send it to the Quality & Standards Office. The Quality & Standards Office will:

  • pass your compliments on to the areas that provide the service
  • investigate any comments you have raised about the quality of the services or programmes that the College provides
  • write to you about any improvements the College can make as a result of your comments.


The College undertakes surveys each year of students, parents and employers. The surveys are an important source of information on the views of our clients about the provision, support and services we provide. We encourage you to take part in surveys. We will let you know the results of the survey and any improvements we are making as a result of your feedback.

Student focus groups

If you are a student at the College, you can take part in the student focus groups, which are held each term with student representatives from every department. We encourage you to become a representative for your course and to attend the meetings.

Complaints procedure

If you are dissatisfied about the services the College provides or your course, you can make a complaint. The procedure for making a complaint is set out below. To download a copy of the College's Complaints Procedure in PDF format, please click here.

What areas does the complaints procedure cover?

The complaints procedure covers the courses we offer and the services we provide. Although the complaints procedure covers most aspects of you course, it does not cover the outcomes of an assessment. If you are unhappy about the outcomes of an assessment, you should use the Academic Appeals Procedure.

If we need to deal with your complaint through another College procedure, the Quality & Standards Office will contact you in writing.

What are the stages in the complaints procedure?

We recommend that you first discuss the problem with the member of staff concerned, as they may be able to put things right. If you are a student at the College, you can talk to your teacher or tutor about the problem. They may be able to solve the problem or can pass on your complaint to some one who can look in to your concerns. If you are still unhappy, you can make a formal complaint. When you make a formal complaint, we will check with you that you have talked to your teacher or tutor about your complaint.

You can make a formal complaint in writing, by telephone or by completing a College Complaints Form. Alternatively you can complete our online complaints form here. Complaints forms are also available from Reception at each of the College centres. If you telephone or ask to speak to the Quality & Standards Department, they will record your complaint on a complaints form.

How will we deal with any formal complaint you raise with us?

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing within 3 working days from the receipt of your complaint.
  • We will investigate the matter(s) you have raised and will either meet with you or telephone you within 5 working days of receiving the complaint.
  • We will write to you with the outcome of your complaint within 10 working days of the meeting/phone conversation.
  • We will inform you in writing if the matter you have raised cannot be dealt with within 15 working days, including the reasons for the delay and the date by which we will respond.

If you do not agree with the outcome of a complaint that we have investigated using the College procedure and wish to appeal, you may write to the Principal at the following address:

The Principal, City of Portsmouth College, Highbury Campus, Portsmouth, PO6 2SA

Appeals are required within 10 wording days of the date on the letter in response to Stage 2.

How does the College deal with complaints?

You have a right to expect high-quality services and provision. If you have a complaint about a course or any of the services the College provides, please let us know. By letting us know when things go wrong, you help us to put them right. The College complaints procedure is designed to help you take up any problems and make sure that:

  • all complaints are recorded and investigated
  • every effort is taken to resolve your complaint at an early stage
  • you are kept informed at every stage
  • your complaint will be dealt with in confidence.

We keep careful records of all complaints so that we can be sure that they are properly investigated. We also want to have a clear picture of the kinds of problems our customers experience. This helps us to improve what is on offer. There are various ways in which a complaint may be investigated. We will make sure that all those directly involved have a chance to comment. We will also let you know in writing who will be investigating your complaint and who we will need to talk to resolve your complaint.

Every effort will be made to resolve your complaint. We can assure you that your complaint will be treated seriously and that we will learn from the problems that you bring to our attention.

This procedure is available on request in different formats including audio, disk, Widget, Braille and enlarged print. If you would like help from a signer, reader or interpreter when making a complaint, please contact the Quality & Standards Department who can arrange for help:

Quality & Standards Office, City of Portsmouth College, Highbury Campus, Portsmouth PO6 2SA

Telephone 023 9238 3131

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