Want to be an apprentice?

Apprenticeships are not only a fantastic way to learn and earn at the same time, they come with a whole range of other advantages.

Companies are crying out for bright and enthusiastic apprentices to join their teams. They recognise the value of real-world experience.

Why should you consider it? Here are 10 reasons why some of the UK’s top business leaders* believe the benefits are clear:

  Real-time, real-world mentorship
  Hands on experience
  Greater career potential
  Learning skills from the experts
  Actively demonstrate your skills
  Learning how to get things done
  Developing best practices
  Strong industry connections
  Developing in a safe space
  Test driving your skills

*source Forbes

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See all the apprenticeship vacancies available right now!

Apprenticeship possibilities

See all the training programmes we offer (subject to finding an employer)

So what are the possibilities?

Right now you could choose from 20+ different apprenticeships including:


Teaching Assistant

Motor Vehicle Technician



Carpenter & Joiner

Gas Engineer

Property Maintenance

Commis Chef

Hair Professional

Marketing Assistant


Pharmacy Technician

Apprenticeships provide skills for life, whatever your chosen career.

They’re a fantastic way forward, so you finish with a qualification, money in the bank and a world of opportunities. Look at it this way, if you qualify as a motor mechanic you could move into:

Motor Mechanic Pathways Diagram

Apprenticeship vacancies

OK, so what does an apprenticeship look like?

  • You’ll usually go to work for most of the week, with a day release to college either face to face or virtually
  • It won’t cost you a penny, quite the opposite, you’ll earn while you learn!
  • Most apprentices must work a minimum of 30 hours a week
  • The amount of time it takes to complete depends on your chosen industry, but you may be able to whizz through it in as little as a year and a day

Apprenticeship myth busting

There are a lot of myths still associated with apprenticeships. Don’t let people tell you they’re only for school leavers, they’re not proper jobs, they’re poorly paid, you’re limited to certain industries, they can be hard to find, they’re only low-level qualifications and they will limit your career opportunities. Here are the facts!

They’re for anyone aged 16 and above. There’s no age limit!

They’re real jobs where you learn, gain experience and get paid

You’re paid at least the National Living Wage for under 18s

Almost all industries and sectors have an apprenticeship route

We have live vacancies and can help with CV & interview support!

They’re available from Level 2 to Level 5, you can even go on to degree level

You gain invaluable experience which can lead to more pay and promotion

Sounds great, what do I do next?

First, remember you’re not alone! As well as chatting to your parents/ carers and friends, come in and talk to us.

Our expert careers advisers will be able to give loads of helpful and practical advice and guidance including:

  • Working out exactly what you’d like to do
  • Making your CV really stand out
  • Developing an effective LinkedIn profile
  • Helping to find an employer

We can even put you in touch with Apprenticeship Friends, to tell you all about their experiences. Like Rebekah Cox, who studied a Level 4 Apprenticeship in Professional Accounting Technician and is now an Assistant Management Accountant here at City of Portsmouth College.

Apprenticeship vacancies Apprenticeship possibilities

Contact us

“Work placement gave me a much better understanding and knowledge of what I actually want to do.”
Will Rickman

Level 3 Extended Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
BAE Systems advanced apprenticeship in steel fabrication.

"Apprentices offer an opportunity to grow individuals professionally, whilst they contribute daily to our business outputs.

We have a responsibility to grow the next generation of experienced and professional cable engineers and are delighted to partner with City of Portsmouth College."

Red Penguin Marine Logo

Matt Bowden
Director and General Manager
Red Penguin Marine

Still not sure what to do?

Try an online career quiz – like the one at ucas.com/careers it’s a great place to start to generate ideas of possible areas which match your interests, helping you to research industries and inspire you on your personal pathway.

NEWS 15-02-2023

It's never too late to be an apprentice!

Just ask Ryan Barnett! At the age of 39 he’s become the first Project Management Apprentice to be taken on by Red Penguin Marine, a subsea cable-engineering consultancy.

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